Contact Info

Please give 2 examples of work carried out in the last year, where the risks are comparable to the type of work you are applying for;
Please answer this question with 2 of the following;
o I have checked the area I am working for hazards
o Making sure drill bits are put away
o Wearing correct PPC
o Work area tidy
o I have the correct tools for the job
o I have the correct parts for the job

Provide 2 references from similar jobs you have completed in the last year.
Please answer this with 2 reviews you have received from your customer base or write 2 examples of jobs you have completed in the last year.

If applicable please provide the name, qualifications and/or experience of your health and Safety Coordinator
You are your Health and Safety Coordinator as you are self employed.

If you have employees, please describe your onsite arrangements for monitoring your staff to ensure the task is completed safety and to specification.
This is only if you have people working under your name and you would need to respond with the checks you have with your engineers to ensure they are safe when lone working. Otherwise this is none applicable.

Please provide details of your cooperation and coordination arrangements when working on a
multidiscipline job with other trades.

Please respond with something like;If I meet another trade on site I will inform AL24 and follow the correct procedure of working with them. For example when working with Bailiffs or Police confidentiality of the job you are carrying out is needed and ensuring while they carry out their duties you do not get involved and carry out your job in a safe area and in a professional manner. You could also meet electricians, plumbers, builders, another locksmith.

If you have employees they require PPE for their work, please provide a copy of an issue record.

If you have engineers working underneath you, please provide a list of the PPE that you provide them or have yourself for the work you are carrying out. For example; gloves, safety glasses, hard hats (if working on a site), steel toe capped shoes/boots etc.

Please explain how you ensure all equipment used on site is well maintained and safe for use.

Please advise that you regularly carry out checks on your tools and equipment to ensure they are safe for use.

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